Friday, February 08, 2008


I somehow doubt I'll ever be quite as at home playing guitar as I am on piano. The guitar is more portable, of course, and more affordable, but right now I miss my piano so much it hurts! The song inside me longs to pour out and get stuck at the end of my uncalloused fingers. It's funny though - I seem to have a go-to song on guitar. It's simple - the key of D (yay!) and just basic, simple picking. I rarely sing along, though I do have some favourite words...

My heart can't see when I only look at me
My soul can't hear when I only think of my own fears
They are gone in a moment
You're forever the same
Why did I look away from You?
How can I speak Your name?

I performed it once, about 7 years ago, I think. But something about this song, the music, the feeling, the utter simplicity of it soothes my heart in a way that's so rare for me on guitar. I only wish you could hear the instrumentation better in this clip, but oh well. Jennifer Knapp - Refine Me.


Vanessa said...

Beautiful song! I too have the quandary about piano. I love my Baldwin but as you say, its not portable and guitar is. Its still great music, but just not quite the same.

Jen Wilson said...

Great song!

C. said...

I wish I could play the piano. I've always wanted to, but I am not musically inclined. I love to listen, but playing isn't in my genes. Le sigh. Beautiful song!!!! And those lyrics are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Pretty song! I know the feeling you're talking about...

I took piano lessons when I was younger, but that was didn't last. I wish I'd have stuck to it!