Saturday, February 02, 2008

Well, I'm just a big ol' crankypants again. I'm sick - and I've only been sick one other time since September, so I shouldn't whine about it, but I was really enjoying being healthy! Now all I want to do is cuddle into my nice warm bed that still can't warm me enough, since I have chills.
I was supposed to go out earlier, and even though I really didn't feel up to it, I got up and showered and dressed and did my makeup, and was on my way out the door when I realized I couldn't find my keys. I looked every logical place I could think of, but they didn't appear.
I took it as a sign. I washed my makeup off and crawled back into bed with a book. Ugh. Did I mention that I hate being sick? (Grump :P) OJ and chicken soup and layers of blankets...I hope I feel better tomorrow.


Vanessa said...

Hope you feel better soon. Sick sucks!

Sidenote? Keys are not left in the lock on the other side of the door? I do this all the time and its now the first place I check.

Laura said...

Well that's what happens when you get a job around kids!

Anonymous said...

I'd jump back into bed too!!

Anonymous said...

Have you found them YET? Maybe you threw them on the bed and they are all mixed in with the blankets! haha Under the bed? In the laundry... I dunno, just ideas. Hope you're all better now!

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I'm sick too. I hope you have something less miserable than I do.

C. said...

You know, it would be one thing if I GOT sick, but I don't. I always get that FIRST sign of 'damn, I don't feel good', while the rest of the family is mad suffering...and then when I feel JUST bad enough that laying in bed and not doing anything might be in order, I get better and totally JIPPED out of down time. Must be a Mom thing. No fair, that's all I have to say. ;)

Feel better. OH, found your blog by bouncing over from Tizzy's...lurve it, hope you don't mind the invasion!!