Saturday, March 31, 2007

Living Vicariously Through Flickr

I've always dreamed about traveling, but have never made it very far. After all, it can be a pretty expensive undertaking! So it's one more thing for my ever-growing "Someday" list. But this is one of the reasons that I love Flickr. I get to see the world through everyone else's eyes. It's beautiful, unique, experience in and of itself. Red Square, the Coliseum, The Great Wall of China, the Brooklyn Bridge, an Irish castle, the Sahara - just a little piece of the world I got to see tonight. So many thanks to the world traveling (or living!) Flickr users who made it possible - thank you for the journey.

(To see the pictures full size, link through to my Flickr account, and the listing on the bottom of the mosaic will direct you to the individual shots.)

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