Thursday, January 10, 2008


If you're hovering around here without hitting that comment button, then cut it out! At least for this one day!

Otherwise, I've not got much to say because I'm having a hard time thinking positively and don't particularly want to let that all spew out on to here right now. If you pray, pray for my friends, who've just lost their Mom to a car accident. And pray for me, and my comparatively insignificant stresses and my inability to manage them. Gonna make it. One Day at a time.


Chris Cactus said...

Happy Delurking Day!!

Vanessa said...

ok, I've commented before so technically its not delurking, but hello!

Vanessa said...

And I'm sorry for your friends.

Anonymous said...

You've already seen parts of my privates. LMAO! HAHAHAHA!

Cheer up dear. I'm sorry for you and your friends. I'm sorry you had a BAD BAD day yesterday. You're going to make it through. I love you! *hugs and kisses*

Not So French Girl said...

Hi Heather ! Sometimes your comments catch my eye on Chris and Beth's blogs because, well, we share a name. As well, we often write the same thing, or at least you write what I was going to write :) Now I find that you're not American...are you Canadian as well ? The coincidences are never ending...