Saturday, November 11, 2006


It's a little too easy to take some things for granted.
To forget, because it was a lifetime ago.
To distance myself, because my grandparents survived.
To belittle the present if I don't agree with the reasoning.
To mock the leaders, and ignore those who die.
No matter how I disdain the man who says it,
Many have died to say that freedom
is worth it.
So I step back.
Away from politics and opinion polls.
Even away from the evil that seems to make war neccesary.
I will think of young men and women.
Mothers and fathers and children.
Who've lost a piece of forever.
Who've lost love.
I'll think a moment, say a prayer.
And remember.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Heather. Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Aww Heather. That's an amazing poem. Thanks for letting us all read it. Guess what!!! Christmas is coming. Time for Christmas Carols. Isn't that exciting? lol as you can tell I dont have much to say. I just wanted to say that your poem is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

you are extremely good with words!!!1 Love you lots.... Life... its worth living for!